About Cratus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa.

Our Products

Natural Nutrition Solutions

Cratus Right Nutrition

Cratus Right Nutrition is a wellness company that believes in the power of nutrition and preventive care. We create products that fortify you from within and support your body’s natural disease-fighting capabilities.

We rely on a blend of cutting-edge medical breakthroughs and age-old holistic techniques borrowed from Ayurveda to create products to usher lasting health and happiness into our customers’ lives. Our products are a result of extensive research that culminates in provable benefits.

Our mission is to promote well-being naturally. That is why we use no harmful chemicals or fillers that put your health at risk. Every ingredient goes through multiple quality checks to ensure its purity and potency. Every product is clinically tested before it makes it to you.

Nature’s Touch

Our Health Remedies

True Products With Honest Guidance

We thrive on the trust you have in the honest guidance we provide to assist you in making informed choices about your unique health needs.

Nutritional Supplements By Cratus Right Nutrition

Complete nutrition for you and your loved ones

Did you know that nutritional deficiency is a growing public health concern affecting one-fourth of the world’s population? Changing lifestyles, unhealthy diets, and overreliance on fast food has led to depleted levels of nutrients in our body. Not to mention the range of health concerns associated with a lack of adequate nutrition. Research shows that supplements could be an effective way to fill this ‘nutrition gap’.

Cratus Right Nutrition provides a range of advanced nutritional supplements ranging from multivitamins and minerals to omega and potent herbal extracts like ashwagandha. These supplements are formulated with great care to include the best ingredients that have been clinically proven to meet the unique health needs of men, women, older adults, sports enthusiasts, and vegetarians.

What is Ayurveda?

Our Roots

Cratus was conceptualized to deliver 100% vegetarian, as close to nature, non-prescription formulas driven by innovation & clinical validation. Inheriting a 100 year old legacy in herbal research enables us to develop a range especially suited for Indian needs while being globally competitive in safety & performance.

Carefully Crafted Remedies

Clean, Green & Sustainable

Plant-based Formulations.
We Promise. We deliver.

Our knowledge & use of premium botanicals & phyto-ingredients is unparalleled. The alchemy of herbs requires precision, years of practice and a perfect understanding of interaction & synergy among ingredients We provide safe, researched therapies and solutions –no side effects, no habit forming formulas and no short cuts.

Why Choose Cratus Right Nutrition?

Cratus Right Nutrition to be a partner in your wellness journey and help you unlock your #CratusRightNutrition. We believe in following healthy lifestyle choices, consuming the right nutrition and forming the right habits. Our range of nutritional supplements is designed to bridge the nutritional gap in your daily diet and fuel your daily lifestyle with the right nutrients and food habits.

In a cluttered market of 1000+ products with questionable efficacy, we promise to provide high-quality, scientifically formulated products and guide you with transparency on our ingredients, processes, and systems. Cratus Right Nutrition offers multiple advantages to become the right choice for your wellness partner. Don’t believe us! Here’s why we are the best choice for your supplement needs –

  • High – Quality Products: Cratus offers a range of high-quality nutritional supplements crafted from the best ingredients with proven clinical benefits to fulfill the unique requirements of each individual. Our ingredients are sourced from the USA and go through a robust quality check. Cratus products are made at GMP-certified facilities under stringent quality control procedures. We’re committed to providing you with world-class supplements with zero tolerance on quality.
  • Clinically Researched Ingredients: Each Cratus product is formulated from the right ingredients to give you the necessary amount of the most essential nutrients and optimal health performance of the body. Our ingredients are carefully selected and have proven benefits, backed by clinical research from all over the world.
  • Authentic and safe products: Every product that is available on Cratus undergoes stringent quality checks right from sourcing the ingredients till it’s delivered on your doorstep. We counter the biggest concern of the industry – adulteration by sourcing the ingredients directly from the manufacturer. Delivering you a 100% authentic and safe product is of prime importance for Cratus.
  • Extensive range of products: Cratus product range helps you complete all your nutritional requirements by providing you with a wide range of products. Depending on your daily routine, lifestyle choices and body nutrition requirements, you can choose to supplement your diet from a range of multivitamins, Omega-3, antioxidants, joint supplements, and herbal products.
  • Honest Guidance: We promise to be honest with you with our products, ingredients, and processes. Even before you make a purchase, we ensure that you have ample information at your disposal to choose the right supplement for your body. To help you make an informed decision and help you achieve your fitness goals, we have added detailed content information on each product which includes nutritional content, when and how to consume the product and more importantly why you might need the product.
  • Connect with experts: Cratus gives you access to experienced and certified nutritionists and fitness experts to answer any query that you may have and assist you for your health and fitness. Reach out to us to connect with the experts at absolutely no cost.
  • Product Delivery at your doorstep: Cratus makes it easy for you to research, decide and order the product online without even leaving the comfort of your home. Once you have chosen the right Cratus health supplement for you need, we’ll make sure to deliver it right at your doorstep in a secured packaging.
  • Need based information: Looking to gain that extra immunity in the rainy season or the right nutrition to take care of your heart, joint? We’ve got you covered with our need/ concern-based information segregation. Just head over to our products page and find the right nutrition for your body – be it heart, joint, muscle strength, immunity, stamina, stress relief. You can also find products to take care of your skin, hair, liver, bones, brain and more


Guiding. Giving. Growing.​